TIGER’s expertise is defined by the depth and breadth of our business, technology and vendor services in development, implementation and support empowers its clients business worldwide by deploying complex systems and cutting edge IT infrastructure; integration and consulting for financial markets participants is being an integral part of the company activity.
TIGER will provide connectivity to any market, to any counter-party to trade any asset classes anywhere. Being a professional in a financial services software ,TIGER commits to deliver high quality technology based on customers requirements supporting costs.
TIGER’s professional services excellence empowers finance services companies, such as HFT organizations, start-ups, who have a particular requirement for vendors that provide high touch in-depth business and technical services, buy-side clients and sell–side clients to develop complex trading systems.
TIGER’s finance services hybrid and savvy expertise also extends cross-asset classes in addition to all relevant participants operating within the financial markets.
Software Development

TIGER is being the hybrid of financial experience together with a savvy software development team with the attitude and approach of an innovative and professional IT software development company, which brings it to building and delivering high grade Front through
Back offices technology guaranteeing ultra low latency. TIGER' expertise in software development, implementation and support empowers its clients business worldwide by deploying complex systems and cutting edge IT infrastructure; integration and consulting for financial markets participants and successful financial software development is being an integral part of the company activity. TIGER will provide connectivity to any market, to any counter-party to trade any asset class anywhere. TIGER commits to deliver high quality technology and financial software based on customers' financial software development requirements supporting costs.
The products and services developed by TIGER are deployed and supported by teams out of New York, Stamford, Europe and are designed to construct the trading infrastructure that enables institutional investors to trade any asset classes on any market, 24/7. Software is Welcoming Dodd-Frank and Volcker Rule legislation.
TIGER's business model provides an interaction with global exchanges real-time, multiple trading facilities, alternative trading systems, and OTC market-makers.
Two decades Expertise of the team enables TIGER to develop solutions for financial market participants delivering trading and execution management infrastructure enabling both buy side and sell side companies to link to each other, archiving powerful market access, reduced connectivity costs, increased trading efficiency and fully automated workflow.
TIGER’s expertise is defined by the depth and breadth of our business, technology and vendor services and product knowledge in building solid trading platforms. TIGER’s effectiveness to empower client projects is reflected in our organizational agility bolstered by our business and technical creativity in developing trading software. TIGER’s geographically distributed, with a financial software delivery coming out of Europe and the United States, but the options of the delivery can be expanded, based upon client needs in trading platform software specifics.TIGER’s professional services excellence empowers financial services clients, such as HFT organizations, who have a particular trading program requirement for vendors that provide high touch in-depth business and technical services. Respecting HFT firms, program trading is an indispensable tool of almost any type of client's work flow, whether a hedge fund client, a passive index provider, a quantitative manager, or an algo-trader.TIGER’s dedication of experience in support of the HFT community is exemplified with the recent introduction of a high performance product being a Pre-trade Risk Governance Coprocessor.TIGER’s financial service hybrid and savvy expertise also extends cross-asset classes in addition to all relevant participants operating within the financial markets. TIGER’s dedication of experience in support of the HFT community is exemplified with the recent introduction of a high performance product being a Pre-trade Risk Governance Coprocessor.TIGER’s financial service hybrid and savvy expertise also extends cross-asset classes in addition to all relevant participants operating within the financial markets.
Algorithm validation for quant trading needs
Trading Applications (Desktop, iPhone, iPad)
Risk management systems
Smart Order routing
Data mining module
Development bond trading system
EMS systems (JAVA)
Front-End System Development (Trading GUI, Proprietary API Development)
Low Latency (Messaging, Architecture, Matching Engine, System Design)
Building automated trading strategies (statistical arbitrage, neural networking, HFT systems, Multi-asset trading systems)
Direct Market Access engines
Development of Linux distribution for mission critical systems
HFT DMA trading platforms
Broker Dealer Platform
Black – Scholes pricing engine for FX derivatives
Clearing and Settlement systems
Commodity derivative/FX exchange development
Development of Oracle BPEL-based business project management framework with JSF-based GUI
Distributed System (Data Warehouse, Market Data, System Administration)
Equity Markets (cash markets)
LBM/UME messaging systems
Ergonomic dashboard-style interfaces, both for the configuration and modification of risk controls, and for the real-time monitoring of trading patterns and alerts
FIX/FAST/Binary protocols Gateway Design
Futures exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) markets matching engines
Infrastructure design (System Design, Network Design, Capacity Planning)
Market data systems / Market Data Feeds / Feed Handlers / Direct Feeds / Reuters RMDS
In-Memory / Tick / Event / Stream processing databases / Time series
Order Matching Engines
Order matching systems (ECN, ATS,MTF)
Pricing engines: Stocks, FX derivatives, Spot markets Real-time monitoring and control of risk across multiple and heterogeneous trading platforms
Trade capture and allocation
Trade order management systems (including FIX)
Trade Reporting system development
TIGER TP has broadened the gates of trading platforms expertise and offers our clients more services developing trading software
Development of multi-tier ERP platforms
Development of Oracle BPEL-based business project management framework with JSF-based GUI
Development of Linux distribution for mission critical systems
Data mining
Cloud Services
TIGER helps financial firms sort through the complex choices in the game-changing cloud computing market with a great choice of data service solutions. With our services, clients integrate and manage the new IT landscape and redefine the path to high performance.
Cloud Strategy
With proven methodologies and proprietary tools, TIGER Cloud Computing Strategy builds a road map for integrating SaaS software in a broader IT strategy.
Private/Public Cloud Infrastructure
Depending on client need, TIGER can help build and enable private, public or hybrid clouds (data service solutions) We will help you determine which best fits your organization’s needs, implement the right technologies and facilitate the running of your hybrid environment.
Software as a Service (SaaS) Implementation
TIGER helps organizations address how to plan, implement and manage a third-party SaaS solutions to maximize speed to value and business functionality.
Cloud Services
Organizations worldwide are stretching the capabilities of their data centers not only to take advantage of new technologies, sourcing and variable cost models, but also to obtain an end-to-end view of their entire SaaS software infrastructure. With proven experience, deep skills and unparalleled global delivery capabilities, we help our customers build data centers that optimize the delivery of IT, helping you to usher in a new era of IT service aligned with business imperatives.TIGER Software SaaS opens a possibility for businesses not to having to deploy physical infrastructure and archive pay-per-use flexibility. Our laser-sharp focus on your needs in this field make us specializing in your business nature and objectives regarding SaaS software.Before making a move, contact TIGER SaaS to discuss data centers, network and virtual machines for your business.
Technology Consulting
TIGER Technology Advisory business line is oriented on advising, directing, implementing and managing financial and technology companies to grow and better their technology ideas into a real software, hardware and security. Financial technology consulting professional group consults and works closely with a customer starting from an inception project phase till the deployment and after covering all aspects of technology decisions. Our team can become your team (virtual CTO, virtual BA, etc) or be integrated within your team based on your financial consulting services requirements, needs and objectives in order to archive operating efficiency and right infrastructure.
Strategic Information Systems Planning and Enterprise Architecture
Organizations worldwide are stretching the capabilities of their data centers not only to take advantage of new technologies, sourcing and variable cost models, but also to obtain an end-to-end view of their entire SaaS software infrastructure. With proven experience, deep skills and unparalleled global delivery capabilities, we help our customers build data centers that optimize the delivery of IT, helping you to usher in a new era of IT service aligned with business imperatives.TIGER Software SaaS opens a possibility for businesses not to having to deploy physical infrastructure and archive pay-per-use flexibility. Our laser-sharp focus on your needs in this field make us specializing in your business nature and objectives regarding SaaS software.Before making a move, contact TIGER SaaS to discuss data centers, network and virtual machines for your business.
IT Operational Effectiveness
Despite the growing dependence on IT solutions, financial technology consulting services and systems development in financial world, many financial/technology companies are challenged to reduce costs and improve efficiency, effectiveness and scalability with decreased budgets. Improve your IT operations effectiveness, reduce IT costs, and enhance your working relationships with business clients by leveraging our proven and mature best practices and approaches of technology consulting with ITIL, RUP, Agile, and CMMI. We can help you develop and implement new methodologies and processes that enable your company to operate more cost effectively and efficiently, conduct briefing sessions on new technologies and trends to help you separate hype from reality, and assess existing projects, architectures, organizations and operations to determine if and where improvements can be made and efficiencies gained.
Software and Technology Selection
Selecting a new technology, software solution or service provider is a time consuming and complicated activity. Determining key differentiators between close competitors and identifying what is really important for your business has become increasingly difficult and the implications, impacts and costs of making the wrong decision about financial consulting services are larger, and potentially more catastrophic, than ever. TIGER Technology Consulting offers independent, unbiased software and technology selection services to help you make these decisions more quickly and with confidence. Leverage our proven, mature and flexible methodology to identify and short-list key contenders and select the best solution or partner for your business.
TIGER strong business analytical and engineering power (15+ years of industry knowledge and experience) together with a flexible approach assures the delivering of a high quality software of various complexities.
Trading platforms, analytical software, trading applications and much more that TTA consult its clients worldwide.
Complimentary services
High performance hinges on the ability to gain insights from financial data — insights that inform better decisions and strengthen reliability. From strategy to execution, TIGER works with organizations to develop the analytic capabilities — from accessing and reporting on data to predictive modeling — to outperform the competition.
Application Modernization and Optimization Services
High performance hinges on the ability to gain insights from financial data — insights that inform better decisions and strengthen reliability. From strategy to execution, TIGER works with organizations to develop the analytic capabilities — from accessing and reporting on data to predictive modeling — to outperform the competition.
Application Outsourcing Services
Applications drive a company's business processes — but the challenges of supporting heterogeneous financial application environments are increasing. Through application outsourcing, we industrialize
application development, maintenance and support to align IT investments with a client’s strategic imperatives, which can reduce costs by as much as 50 percent.
Application Capacity
Finding, accessing and retaining critical IT skills is a significant challenge for organizations, especially when they need to swiftly scale IT teams up and down to match business demands. TIGER Application Capacity Services offer a complete spectrum of flexible offshore, onshore IT staffing services — delivered by highly skilled experts — to supplement existing client teams and help reduce costs, improve project start-up times and increase agility.And in today’s shifting market, you have the additional challenge of swiftly scaling your IT team up and down to match business demand. TIGER Application Capacity Services can help.
Let our global team and vast resources help you adapt and evolve your IT as needed to accelerate your business. Organizations that use our capacity services can experience:
Up to a 40 percent reductions in resource spend, enabling increased output for comparable cost.
Increased flexibility in capacity to better meet changing demands and eliminate non-productive idle time
Real-time access to skilled resources and a 5 to 10 percent improvement in project start-up time.
Simplified contracting terms.
Application Testing Service
Organizations are looking for new ways to curtail testing costs while increasing testing scalability. This is especially true when companies can spend as much as 10 to 12 percent of the annual IT budget fixing core application problems. TIGER thinks differently about application testing — more innovatively and holistically. Instead of testing for quality at the end, we focus on it throughout the application development life cycle.To maximize our clients cost reductions, TIGER combines this industrialized focus on quality with productivity improvements and flexible sourcing. We demonstrate this commitment by conducting quality assurance activities in each phase of the application development life cycle — from plan, analyze and design to build, test and deploy.TIGER delivers cost reductions and scalability improvements—and goes one step further. We work to improve testing productivity through automation and industrialization, while also emphasizing a holistic, end-to-end quality strategy to drive quality throughout the application development life cycle. Combined with our offshore testing services and flexible sourcing model, TIGER’s approach can reduce the cost of poor quality to less than 5 percent of IT spends.
IT Service Excellence
With industry-leading tools and methodologies, TIGER helps clients identify, design, introduce, run and improve IT-based services that help organizations achieve their desired business outcomes.
Security Services
With rapid technological advances, increased market pressures and growing sophistication in security threats, IT organizations must move from pure compliance to proactive defense and value creation, balancing between mitigating risks and driving growth. TIGER’s Security Solutions professionals leverage decades of experience, deep industry knowledge and business-process know-how to create pragmatic, flexible approaches that can help protect against threats, minimize risks and enabling adoption of new technologies to grow and thrive.